I will be attending my first event as USOA Mrs. Washington County!
The 2023 Annual Queens Christmas Brunch!
My first opportunity to really help give back!!!
I will be collecting toys, books, and Winter gear! (Donations needed by December 9th)
TOYS will be going to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. Asking that they are new with tags or still in the box. (You can also Venmo me at @sara-dornbrook to help purchase them)
BOOKS- New or gently used.
WINTER GEAR- New or gently used Hats, gloves, snowpants, coats, scarves, and boots will be collected.
I can take collections at Desire to Inspire Salon (Across from Ace Hardware/Piggly Wiggly in Jackson)
pm so I can pick up. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
