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Mrs. Wisconsin USA


Sara DornBrook

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USOA'S Mrs. Washington County

Where it all began!

Growing up, I was always very quiet and shy! As I got older, I decided that I wasn't going to miss out on opportunities anymore because of my anxiety. I stepped 100% out of my comfort zone and joined the Miss Wisconsin USA Pageant!

I went into this pageant with a huge misconception that still exists to this day. I thought the girls were going to be mean or extremely competitive. THEY WEREN'T! In fact, it was quite the opposite! Being barely 20 years old when joining, I didn't have the "I CAN" mentality that I do today. When they announced the girls that were going to be advancing onto the next round, my name wasn't called. I turned to Anna who happened to be next to me, and I made a comment about it all being for nothing.

We didn't have a lot of money growing up and having moved out at 17 years old, struggle was something was all too familiar with me. In that moment I felt completely defeated. 

Anna was so genuinely compassionate and said, "Oh Sara! This wasn't for nothing! This is only the beginning!" I have a few memories in my life that I can look back at and pinpoint as life changing moments. THIS was one of them.

I literally decided that second that I was going to change! I wanted to be more positive and inspire others the way Anna had inspired me! The word inspire has consumed my mind in everything that I do! My salon is even called "Desire to Inspire." 


My second year in the Miss Wisconsin USA Pageant. 

I won Miss Photogenic and Anna, who had inspired me the year before, was now handing me a trophy!

My first year entering in the Miss Wisconsin USA pageant, I had the privilege of meeting two of the sweetest human beings!

One of them being Anna, (above in the first story) and the second one, Melissa Young. Melissa was Miss Wisconsin USA 2005!

As she stood on stage to talk about her year long journey, she literally brought me to tears! She was so funny, compassionate, inspiring, and most of all, REAL.

Watching her take her last walk was so sad because she was just so inspirational! 

I have stayed in contact with her and am still so inspired! She's written a must read book! (Link at the end) Melissa was misdiagnosed while she was pregnant and became so ill that she almost died. She is a true fighter! Pageantry has connected me with so many powerful women and I can't imagine where I would be today without their influences!

Something Beautiful is Going to Happen . . .: My Incredible Story of Fierce Devotion Embracing God, a Son, and Life Itself: Young, Melissa: 9781941049990: Books

Behind the scenes...

In 2023 and 2024 I was honored to be a part of the judging panel for the United States of America's Miss Wisconsin and Illinois divisions. 

I have stayed in contact with Anna Huf, who is now the Director! I am so proud of her!!! She originally asked if I'd participate but I hadn't been a part of pageants for 15 years, so it wasn't something I was ready to take on. I loved that I was able to be a part of this journey with her right from the beginning!

After the events were over and I was heading home, I was so overwhelmed with how amazing these women were! After leaving the second year, I just couldn't shake this feeling that I had to do more. I wanted so badly to be a part of something bigger!

After meeting these women and hearing their stories, it really made me think of our own story!

Just in the past few years we have taken in my autistic nephew, survived shutting my salon down because of covid, I donated a kidney to my amazing husband who suffers from PKD, and I have expanded my salon three times, two shoulder surgeries, and a salon fire causing me to rebuild from scratch. All of these things have happened while also raising our two children. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason! Life has taught me so many things and I know that being a part of this sisterhood will give me the opportunity to make an impact on so many lives!

I was so blessed to win the People's Choice award two years in a row which helped me contribute $5,000 to the PKD Foundation!

I was also honored to win Miss Congeniality in 2024. 

That just shows the amazing connection I have with these wonderful women who share the same passion as me to give back to others!

I am so excited to announce that I have now been offered the Mrs. Wisconsin USA title and will be competing for Mrs. USA in July 2025!!!

I can't wait to meet even more amazing women from all over the United States! 

I hope I can make Wisconsin proud!!!


Polycystic Kidney Disease.

I have continued to raise awareness for this disease as it's something that affects our everyday living!

My husband was diagnosed with PKD in his early 20s. He had been hospitalized numerous times from when he was diagnosed up until the year of 2020. His illness then took a turn for the worst. His function had dropped down to only 4% and it happened very quickly. We were able to start the transplant process and by the Grace of God, we found out that I matched him!!! Transplant took place January 6th, 2021! He has had a few bumps in the road and will continue to live with this disease, along with lifelong medications, but he is doing great!!!

We have met so many amazing people throughout this journey and support them through their journeys as well!

 We will forever


This disease is something that affects over 500,000 people JUST in the U.S, yet so many people still don't know what it is! 

I will continue to raise awareness along with participating in fundraising events to help find a cure! This is something that may affect our children! If I am able to be given a larger voice, we may be able to change the future for our next generations!

Going through the transplant process, our daughter’s anxiety was at full force! The teachers were amazing in being able to step back in order to help her through the process! Understanding why she was feeling and acting the way she was, truly helped her through it all!!! We are very grateful for that! I continue to be an advocate for mental health! In just our household alone, we have anxiety, A.D.H.D, and Autism. It is pertinent to our next generation that we continue to learn as much as we can! 



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Honored to be
your new
PKD Walk

We are humbled by the amount of support we have received from friends, family, and our community! I am excited to have you all along on this amazing adventure!

I will continue to update as I receive more information about business sponsorships.

For those who have asked about supporting through monetary donations, please see below.



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Infinite Grace Salon

Jackson Wi 53037

Business Sponsorship




A little about us...


Our Transplant Story 

Hartford woman donates kidney to husband | News |

To help Join our cause through the PKD walk in SEPTEMBER 2023, Click the link below to join the page. As we grow the page, I will continue to update! 


Get involved | PKD Foundation (

Donate Life America: Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation Registration


My little sister and I could not have been matched more perfectly!!!

Big Brothers Big Sisters Washington County (

My nephew who

came to

live with us 5

years ago
